Fields of Application

Corrizon has been used worldwide in the following applications:









Frequently Asked Questions

Here are some commonly asked questions about CORRIZON

Is Corrizon water based?

YES. This makes it suitable to apply on metal surfaces which are not perfectly dry or in contact with other materials like rubber – without the need to worry about overspray risks.

What packaging is Corrizon available in?

500ml, 1L, 5L, 20L, 120L and 1000L.

What is the shelf life of CORRIZON?

12 months

What is the required storage and application temperature range?

Between 5 and 40 Celsius

What surface materials can Corrizon be applied to?

Steel, Gavlanised Steel, Painted Steel Surfaces can all be treated by Corrizon. Aluminium as well can be treated.

Should the surface be sandblasted prior to treatment?

Not necessary, but all flakey rust should be removed by air or water pressure blasting at a minimum.

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